Newwave Media srl


Services Lighting


Lighting Consultancy

Technical lighting consultants or Designers in Light?
We think we are both, but we try to keep the two definitions separate, at least ideally.
For us, technical lighting consultancy is something scientific.
Analysing light pollution regulations, security lighting, technical light calculations, measurements, lighting tests, specification writing, project team coordination etc. are all fundamental steps of our work, in which we invest time and positive energy to produce results that are necessarily highly technical, precise, with no margin for error.
Project sustainability is central to all our thinking.
The culture of technical lighting is the backbone of each of our projects.

Lighting Design

The use of light to enhance spaces is the essence of our work,
whether oriented towards the technical or more towards the creative side.
Often – almost always – these two are intertwined, giving rise to brilliant solutions and a nonconformity that clients are increasingly looking for.
Designing light with objects, effects and colours is the most creative part of our work. The most magical. The part where emotions are in charge and the sensations of the user are the primary inspiration.
We can design light with the infinite variety of products already available on the market, which we have already tested in the majority of cases; or we can design light by creating new bespoke forms of luminosity.
However, we can also supply marketing oriented solutions that enhance a business’s communication strategies.

Recent Works.

See our latest finished commissions below.
The result of dozens of smart solutions, hundreds of enthusiastic hours of designing, and a huge charge of positive energy.
This is what our clients expect of us every time we take on a project, and this is what we are used to delivering to get the kind of results you see in these photos.
The sincere, enthusiastic handshakes we received after each of these jobs are strictly confidential.

Cantina Amaro Lucano

Rediscovered identities through Lighting Design

La Marmotta

A pearl on the top of the mountains

Monumento ai Caduti, Brindisi

History modelled in light... Illumination of the work of sculptor Edgardo Simone dedicated to the people of Brindisi who fell in the first world war

It was a record, it has to be said. Because when you think that the monument was restored, illuminated and officially unveiled just 50 days after the first town meeting, it was an extraordinary event. Just as extraordinary is the whole story around the re-assessment of the work of Edgardo...